
Below are a list of helpful websites, books and apps. This list is not exhaustive.

Websites: Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) is an international nonprofit membership organization and a leader in education, training, and research for anxiety, depression and related disorders.  More than 38 million people from around the world visit the ADAA website annually to find current treatment and research information and to access free resources and support

OK2TALK: a place for teens to share what’s on their mind such as struggles with anxiety and depression

Depression-guide: a guide to the entire range of mental health issues which can cover topics such as symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Child Mind Institute– This website is dedicated to transforming the lives of children struggling with mental health and learning disorders.

Lives in the balance : This website outlines how to use the Collaborative & Proactive Solutions approach developed by Dr. Ross Greene.

Encourage play: a website dedicated to encourage kids to play as connection is essential to our well-being. There are many different suggestions to encourage play from playing games, to setting up play dates and choosing a camp.


This is a list of apps that I have found useful and effective in helping clients create daily healthy routines and strategies in dealing with stress and anxiety. You can find these apps either in the App Store or Google Play.

Headspace: Learn to relax with guided mediations and mindfulness techniques that aim to bring calm, wellness and balance into your life.

What’s Up?: This app uses CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy) method to help you cope with depression, anxiety, stress and more.

Stop, Breathe & Think: this app allows users to check in with their emotions and will recommend a short, guided mediation, yoga and acupressure videos tuned in to how you feel.

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